What To Know About Latest Unsealed Documentsthedigitalchaps


Tuesday’s release of unredacted files from Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell included full transcripts of depositions with Maxwell and Epstein himself, and sworn testimony from Sarah Ransome, another alleged victim of the financier’s sex trafficking ring, revealing new allegations against high-profile figures from across society (all listed have denied any suggestion of wrongdoing).

The following mentions are from documents unsealed Tuesday, which previously had much information, including the names of Epstein’s alleged victims and associates, redacted. Those accused of associating with Epstein have denied wrongdoing.

Former President Bill Clinton

“Q: Have you ever flown President Clinton on your helicopter? A: That is another one of Virginia’s lies. Q: The question is have you ever done that? A: I have never flown President Clinton at any time ever, in any helicopter, in any place, any time, in any state, in any country, at any time anywhere.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Have you ever had dinner with President Clinton at Jeffrey’s home, at any of Jeffrey’s homes? A: No, I don’t believe so.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Have you traveled on Jeffrey’s planes with President Clinton? A: Yes, I have.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Do you remember being in Thailand with President Clinton? A: I do. Q: Do you remember what the purpose of that trip was? A: I don’t. Q: Do you know whether — do you recall, did you stay the night in Thailand? A: I don’t recall.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Can Jeffrey confirm or deny whether Bill Clinton was on Jeffrey’s island? A: I can’t say what Jeffrey would say. I can only say what I know to be true.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: In the e-mail you said that ‘The strongest is the Clinton dinner.’ Do you see that reference in this e-mail? It’s on the second line. A: Yes… Q: What did you mean by the term ‘strongest’ in this e-mail? A: Fifth. Q: Isn’t it true, sir, that by the term ‘strongest,’ you meant that you had taken steps to conceal the presence of Bill Clinton on your island? A: Fifth.” (Attachment 1335-6, Epstein’s deposition)

“Q: How did Bill Clinton get to your island when he came to visit you? A: Fifth. Q: Sir, isn’t it true, Bill Clinton got to the island by having Maxwell fly him there on a helicopter? A: Fifth. Q: Do you own a helicopter, sir? A: Fifth.” (Attachment 1335-6, Epstein’s deposition)

“Q: Isn’t it true that in the time period 2000 to 2001, you were close friends with Bill Clinton? A: Fifth. Q: And even into 2002 you remained close friends with Bill Clinton, right? A: Fifth. Q: Bill Clinton flew on your jet a number of times in 2002, right? A: Fifth. Q: For example, in May of 2002, Bill Clinton was on your jet several times, right? A: Fifth. Q: Bill Clinton visited your island in the U.S. Virgin Islands in about 2002, true? A: Fifth.” (Attachment 1335-6, Epstein’s deposition)

“Q: When Bill Clinton visited your private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands, please describe all the steps that you took to conceal his presence there. A: Fifth. Q: When Bill Clinton came to your private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands, please describe anyone who he was accompanied by. A: Fifth. Q: When Bill Clinton came to your island, he was accompanied by two young women who were approximately 18 years old, true? A: Fifth.” (Attachment 1335-6, Epstein’s deposition)

“Q: On May 22nd, 2002, you and Maxwell flew with Bill Clinton on your private jet, true? A: Fifth. Q: On May 22nd, 2002 you and Maxwell and Bill Clinton flew from the Atsugi Naval Air facility in Japan to Khabarovsk, Russia, true? A: Fifth. Q: On that same trip you, Maxwell, and Bill Clinton flew to China, right? A: Fifth. Q: And you also flew to Singapore, right? A: Fifth. Q: And you also flew together to Bangkok? A: Fifth. Q: Just so we’re clear on that, in May of 2002, you, Bill Clinton, and Defendant Maxwell all flew to Bangkok together, right? A: Fifth. Q: And later, on that same trip, you, Maxwell, and Bill Clinton all flew to Brunei together, true? A: Fifth.” (Attachment 1335-6, Epstein’s deposition)

“Q: Did the FBI ask you about Bill Clinton or Al Gore? A: I do believe they did ask me about Bill Clinton, but I cannot remember the exact conversation we had about him. Q: I understand you were not sexually trafficked to Bill Clinton, is that correct? A: Correct.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

“Q: Where were you the first time you met Bill Clinton? A: On Little Saint Jeff’s, which is the island. Q: Little Saint James? A: He used to call it Little Saint Jeff’s, sorry.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

“Q: What were the circumstances of your second meeting with Bill Clinton? A: Very similar, I mean, there was a dinner, lots of laughing, lots of joking it was just a dinner and then I didn’t have to do anything with Bill Clinton, he was never sexually involved with me.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

“Q: Is Bill Clinton a witness to the sexual abuse of minors? A: Yes, he would be a witness because he knew what my purpose there was for Jeffrey and he visited Jeffrey’s island. There’s pictures of nude girls all around the house at all of his houses and it’s something that Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t shy about admitting to people.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

Chelsea Clinton

“Q: Are you friends with the Clintons? A: I am… Q: Did you come back to the United States to attend Chelsea Clinton’s wedding? A: I attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding but I don’t know if I came back specifically for that or not.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

Former Vice President Al Gore and former First Lady Tipper Gore

“Q: What other obvious lies were you referring to? A: She was referring to Al Gore, she is referring to a bunch of people. I don’t believe Al Gore ever came to the island at any time ever. I don’t even know Al Gore actually.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Just one moment, I want to hear all of them, but when you say you don’t believe Al Gore ever came to the island, do you know whether Al Gore ever came to the island? A: Al Gore never came to the island. Q: How do you know that? A: Jeffrey doesn’t know him, I don’t know him and I think had Al Gore — I don’t think — had Al Gore gone to the island during the period when I would have been involved in organizing a trip, I would have been aware of it.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: How many times did you meet Al Gore? A: Once.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

“Tell me the circumstances of meeting Al Gore? A: It’s a little hazy at where that took place. I mean, we are going back a long time ago, but I do remember one thing about him, I thought he was a wonderful guy who loved his wife and they spent the entire time like there was nothing else around them, it was just those two.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

“Q: Is Tipper Gore a witness to sexual abuse of minors? A: Not that I’m aware of. I mean, if you’re going to say why was I there with an older man, then I guess yes, she would be, but I do not believe that she took presence in anything like that.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

“Q: Is Al Gore a witness to the sexual abuse of minors? A: Again, he wasn’t around all the time. I only met him once so I can’t say that he is.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

Billionaire Highbridge Capital co-founder Glenn Dubin

“Q: Did you ever instruct Johanna [Sjoberg] to massage Glenn Dubin? A: I don’t believe—I have no recollection of it.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: You have sexually trafficked Virginia to a number of your other friends, right? A: Fifth. Q: You and Maxwell sent Virginia to have sex with Glenn Dubin, true? A: Yes.” (Attachment 1335-6, Epstein’s deposition—a rare example of Epstein affirmatively answering a question rather than taking the Fifth)

“Q: You said the Dubins, were you sexually trafficked to more than one Dubin? A: No. Q: Just to Glen? A: Just to Glen. Q: Is he the powerful business executive who’s pregnant wife was asleep in the next room? A: Yes.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

Former President Donald Trump

“Q: So Donald Trump was in your mind you believe a witness to the sexual abuse of minors? A: I don’t think Donald Trump participated in anything. That would have to be another assumption. I never saw or witnessed Donald Trump participate in those acts, but was he in the house of Jeffrey Epstein. I’ve heard he has been, but I haven’t seen him myself so I don’t know.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson

“Q: “How many times were you trafficked to Bill Richardson? A: I don’t know, over two times. Q: How old were you? A: Approximately 17, 18.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

“Q: You and Maxwell sent Virginia to have sex with Bill Richardson, true? A: Fifth.” (Attachment 1335-6, Epstein’s deposition)

MIT AI researcher Marvin Minsky

“Q: Were you sexually trafficked to Marvin Minsky? A: Yes.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

“Q: You and Maxwell sent Virginia to have sex with Marvin Minsky, true? A: Fifth” (Attachment 1335-6, Epstein’s deposition)

Heidi Klum

“Q: You’ve seen Heidi Klum with Jeffrey Epstein, correct? A: At parties. Q: So is it your assumption that she’s a witness to sexual abuse of minors? A: I don’t know if Heidi Klum was at the house of Jeffrey Epstein. I know she was at parties with Jeffrey Epstein. So, no, I can’t say she’s a witness.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

Prince Andrew

“[Maxwell disputing the validity of the photos of her, Giuffre and Prince Andrew] We can’t really establish the photograph and all that. I don’t know if that’s true, if that’s a real picture or not. Q: So you dispute that you were actually photographed in your town home in London – A: I don’t recognize that picture. I’m not sure if that’s a real picture or not.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: And have you talked to Prince Andrew about that picture? A: We discussed Virginia’s entire tail and he asked me if he even knew her. Q: So did Prince Andrew tell you that he did not have sex with Virginia Roberts? A: He doesn’t even know who Virginia Roberts is. Q: Did he tell you that he didn’t have sex with her? It would be difficult to have sex with someone you don’t know.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Did you introduce Johanna to Prince Andrew? A: I’ve, again, read that Johanna claimed that she met or that she said she met Prince Andrew. I don’t know if I was the one who made the introduction or not.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Did you ever introduce Prince Andrew to Virginia in London? A: I understand her story about London but again, her tissue of lies is extremely hard to pick apart what is true and what isn’t. Actually I wouldn’t recollect her at all but for her tissue stories about this situation. Q: So did you ever introduce Prince Andrew to Virginia in London? A: I have no recollection.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

“I never introduced Prince Andrew to Jeffrey Epstein at any time ever, so just add that the to long list of lies.” (Attachment 1335-1, Maxwell’s deposition)

Billionaire former Victoria’s Secret CEO Les Wexner

“Q: You know Mr. Les Wexner, correct? A: I do. Q: Do you know whether or not Maria Farmer was ever at Mr. Wexner’s property in [redacted]?” (Attachment 1335-2, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Did you and Mr. Epstein visit Maria Farmer in Ohio? A: I don’t know I would characterize the word visit with Mr. Epstein. We went for business in Ohio because he worked with Mr. Wexner, and I accompanied him on a few visits.” (Attachment 1335-2, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Did you and Mr. Epstein go to Ohio, and while you were in Ohio, see Maria Farmer? A: I believe actually that she was – stayed at his house there, so I would have seen her at the house. I believe I do recall seeing her at the house, actually. Q: When you say she stayed at the house, you are referring to Maria Farmer? A: Yeah, I think Maria Farmer was painting or something in Ohio, and he let her stay at a place that he had. Q: When you say ‘he’ let her stay, you are talking about Les Wexner? A: No, I’m talking about Jeffrey Epstein.” (Attachment 1335-2, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Was Les Wexner one of the powerful business executives that you were trafficked to? A: Yes.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

Former Treasury Secretary and current OpenAI board member Larry Summers

“Q: Did you ever have sex with Larry Summers? A: Not that I know of. The name does ring a bell. You have to understand there were a lot of gentlemen I was lent out to by Jeffrey Epstein. So it is very hard for me to remember all their names and who they were and what they did.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

“Q: Is Larry Summers a witness to the abuse of those minors? A: You’d have to tell me who Larry Summers is.” (Attachment 1335-3, Giuffre’s deposition)

Lawyer Alan Dershowitz

“Were you ever at any residence of Mr. Epstein’s when Alan Dershowitz was present? A: I’m sure I was. Q: Were you at Mr. Epstein’s Palm Beach residence when Mr. Dershowitz was present? A: I may have been. It’s possible.” (Attachment 1335-2, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Did you ever have any conversations with Mr. Dershowitz at Mr. Epstein’s properties? A: I did, about metal detecting. Q: Anything else? A: I only recall metal detecting. Q: Where did that conversation take place? A: As I was metal detecting.” (Attachment 1335-2, Maxwell’s deposition)

“Q: Do you recall ever seeing Mr. Dershowitz at any of Mr. Epstein’s residences other than the Virgin Island property? A: That’s the only specific memory I have of the conversation that I recall because it was something special.” (Attachment 1335-2, Maxwell’s deposition)

1,199. That’s the number of times Jeffrey Epstein pleaded the fifth during his deposition by Giuffre’s lawyers in September 2016, exercising his constitutional right preventing self-incrimination.

Monday’s tranche of documents focused on a long legal brief referencing the emails of Sarah Ransome, one of the other Epstein accusers who filed a similar suit against Maxwell in 2017. In the letter to the court, attorneys representing Dershowitz argued these emails show Ransome’s “testimony was fabricated from whole cloth” and that she “manifestly lacks credibility as a witness.” And Ransome has proven inconsistent, making shocking allegations, but later recanting them. The emails in the newly released documents accuse several politicians and billionaires of having sex with women provided by Epstein at his mansion in Manhattan—including Clinton, Prince Andrew and billionaire Richard Branson (who had never been linked to Epstein before)—which Epstein allegedly filmed. Ransome at first said she was “more than willing to swear under oath and testify in court over these sex tapes,” but later failed to produce them. Then in 2019, she admitted to the New Yorker she made up the sex tapes as a way to draw attention to the Epstein case. She also said Trump frequently had sex with a woman through Epstein, and went into detail about the former president’s sexual preferences. But Ransome also later recanted this story, telling a reporter “it’s not worth coming forward and I will never be heard anyhow and only bad things will happen as a consequence of me going public.” Trump has not returned a request for comment from Forbes, but a spokesperson for him, Steven Cheung, told The Messenger “the baseless accusations have been fully retracted because they are simply false and have no merit.”

On Tuesday, the court released Ransome’s full testimony, revealing what she was willing to say on the record under threat of perjury. “Jeffrey’s quite possessive of his girls. He’s — you know, he lends them out. He samples the girls, he has friends come over to New York or the island and they — they get to see who all the girls are around Jeffrey, and they get to pick one which they want to be with,” Ransome testified. She denied that she was ever “lent out” for sex with to other figures associated with Epstein—including Prince Andrew, billionaire Hyatt Hotels executive chairman Tom Pritzker and Richardson. However, she did claim she had sex with Dershowitz in Epstein’s Manhattan apartment. “It was coerced in the sense that when I arrived there, Alan Dershowitz was there and Nadia was there. It was quite clear to me what their intention was after me arriving there,” Ransome said.

All of the figures named have previously denied their connections to Epstein. Clinton strongly denied having knowledge of Epstein’s criminal activities, and also denies ever visiting Little Saint James. Minsky died in 2016, but his widow Gloria Rudisch has denied the allegations. Summers, who had previously solicited donations from Epstein while serving as president of Harvard, told the Harvard Crimson he “deeply regrets” his connection with the late convicted sex offender. A representative for Klum did not return a request for comment from Forbes, but the supermodel has previously denied any connection to the disgraced financier. Dubin, who retired from Highbridge Capital in 2020, could not immediately be reached for comment on the new allegations. Dubin and his wife, Eva, previously told Vanity Fair they “categorically reject” the allegations against them.
