Former Centrica executive to chair key trade advisory body | Business News


An ex-Centrica executive will this week be appointed the new chair of the independent trade body which advises the government on the imposition of tariffs.

Sky News understands that Nick Baird, who also ran UK Trade and Investment, Britain’s former trade promotion body, is to be the next chairman of the Trade Remedies Authority (TRA).

An announcement will be made on Thursday, a government insider said.

Mr Baird will replace Simon Walker, the former Institute of Directors chief, who stepped down from the TRA last year with a parting shot at the free trade record of Boris Johnson’s administration.

The TRA was set up to investigate whether new trade remedies are needed to prevent harm being caused to British industries from unfair trading practices.

It then makes recommendations on appropriate measures to preserve the UK’s economic interests.

To date, it has intervened in industries including steel and aluminium production.

The TRA’s establishment came in an era of growing fears about global protectionism, and with Britain still to deliver many of the trade deals pledged by pro-Brexit politicians.

Mr Baird, who left Centrica in 2022, will initially serve a three-year term in the role.

The Department for Business and Trade declined to comment on Wednesday.
