A Timeline Of The Major Lawsuits And Trials They Have Facedthedigitalchaps


The names of 187 associates of Jeffrey Epstein are scheduled to be released after years of lawsuits and criminal trials—involving powerful figures including Prince Andrew.

September 21, 2015Virginia Giuffre sues Jeffrey Epstein’s ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell for defamation—and later testifies that Maxwell ordered Giuffre, who was underage at the time, to give massages and have sex with powerful figures, including Prince Andrew, former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, French modeling executive Jean-Luc Brunel and Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Marvin Minsky (all of these men have denied these allegations).

November 2018The Miami Herald begins publishing investigative journalist Julie K. Brown’s “Perversion of Justice” series—an exposé on Epstein and the non-prosecution agreement he secured from former U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta—first bringing the disgraced financier into the spotlight.

July 6, 2019Epstein is arrested by federal agents at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey and charged with sex trafficking—nine years after serving a 13-month sentence for child prostitution in Florida.

July 9, 2019A federal grand jury indicts Epstein, charging him with “creating and maintaining a network of minor victims in multiple states to sexually abuse and exploit,” as well as employing “victim-recruiters” to find more underage victims for his network.

July 2019A judge orders a trove of documents related to Giuffre’s lawsuit unsealed, revealing that flight logs showed former President Bill Clinton, then-President Donald Trump and billionaire Glenn Dubin all flew on Epstein’s private jet, now nicknamed the “Lolita Express.”

August 10, 2019Epstein dies in Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center.

October 2019A report in the New York Times reveals Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates met with Epstein multiple times after his original conviction in 2009, which the billionaire later called a “mistake I regret deeply.”

November 2019Prince Andrew gives an interview with BBC Newsnight, where he claimed he did not regret his friendship with the convicted sex offender, and that a medical condition disproved Giuffre’s testimony.

July 2020Maxwell is arrested in Bedford, New Hampshire and charged with sex trafficking and transporting a minor for sexual activity—Maxwell kept an incredibly low profile after Epstein’s arrest and was only found hiding out from the FBI after a months-long search, prosecutors said.

August 2021Giuffre sues Prince Andrew under New York’s Child Victims Act, claiming the British royal sexually assaulted her in 2001 when she was 17.

February 2022Giuffre and Prince Andrew settle out of court for an undisclosed sum, originally reported by the Daily Telegraph as $16 million, but later estimated by the Sun to be closer to $6 million, without the prince admitting any guilt.

June 2022Maxwell is convicted of sex trafficking after a highly publicized criminal trial in Manhattan and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

April 2023A calendar and other documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal name even more of Epstein’s associates, including CIA Director William Burns, MIT linguistics professor Noam Chomsky, Bard College President Leon Botstein and Kathryn Ruemmler, a former White House counsel and lawyer for Goldman Sachs (The CIA said Burns had “no relationship” with Epstein; Chomsky admitted to knowing Epstein; Botsten said he was just an “unsuccessful fundraiser” for Bard College; and Ruemmler confirmed that she had a professional relationship with Epstein that she now “regrets”).

December 2023Judge Loretta Preska orders the redacted names in Giuffre’s original lawsuit against Maxwell released.

An unredacted list of all of Epstein’s associates is set to be released as part of the ongoing proceedings in Giuffre’s 2015 lawsuit against Maxwell. After the lawsuit, the names of individuals associated with Epstein and Maxwell were redacted. Judge Loretta Preska in December ordered the names to be fully released after further motions filed by the Miami Herald. A total of 187 names are expected to be unredacted—which are expected to include Epstein’s wealthy friends and associates, as well as his victims. Clinton, a known former associate of the disgraced financier, is expected to be identified as J. Doe 36, according to an ABC News report. According to recent filings, Clinton’s lawyers did not raise any objections to the impending unsealing. Lawyer Alan Dershowitz is also expected to be named in the release. Dershowitz faced a sexual assault lawsuit from Giuffre, which was dropped in November 2022. Dershowitz has long called for the release of the documents, which he says contain a “smoking gun” email that proves Giuffre made up the allegations against him.
