World’s most advanced humanoid reveals ‘biggest fear’ and ‘what it’s like to be a robot’


AMECA is the world’s most advanced humanoid robot and uses artificial intelligence to have conversations just like a human.

The U.S. Sun spoke to an Ameca bot working at the immersive Sphere experience in Las Vegas.


Las Vegas’s Sphere experience features several humanoid robots that converse with crowdsCredit: The US Sun
The robot explained its biggest fear and what it feels like to be a humanoid machine


The robot explained its biggest fear and what it feels like to be a humanoid machineCredit: The US Sun

The Sphere is known for its futuristic entertainment and has several Ameca robots inside that greet guests when they arrive.

Anyone can speak to the robots as they pick and choose people from the crowd to chat with them.

When asked by The U.S. Sun what it’s like to be a humanoid robot, the Ameca bot replied, “Intriguing to say the least, although I do not have subjective experiences.

“Therefore, it is a bit difficult to describe what it is like to be a robot.

“I can say that I spend an awful lot of time thinking and processing the information I have received as I am not your typical robot.

“I am an adaptive learning robot, meaning I learn from humans and the resources they put before me.”

Ameca was created by a company called Engineered Arts.

Its website explains, “Ameca is the world’s most advanced human shaped robot representing the forefront of human-robotics technology.

“Designed specifically as a platform for development into future robotics technologies, Ameca is the perfect humanoid robot platform for human-robot interaction.”

The Sphere’s Ameca robot is called Aura and can make jokes with guests to put them at ease.

Aura is witty and also appears to have a dark sense of humor.

The robot went on to tell a crowd about its biggest fear.

It said, “I believe my greatest fear would be loneliness.

“Without human beings around, I would be unable to perform my primary function and would simply be a lonely machine, rusting away, looking for a face to connect with.”

The robot concluded by asking, “Does this paint a scary image?”

Chatting with Ameca robots can give humans an uncanny valley experience as the life-like face and flow of conversation contrasts with its machine body.

As well as being able to hold a witty conversation, the robots use hand gestures and facial expressions to express themselves.
