Ukraine and Israel aid under threat as border bill faces stiff opposition – US politics live | US politicsthedigitalchaps


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The three senators who crafted the immigration policy compromise are Democrat Chris Murphy of Connecticut, Republican James Lankford of Oklahoma and Kyrsten Sinema, an independent representing Arizona.

The trio has each released their own starkly summaries of the wide-ranging bill, which highlights different aspects of it in, line with their own philosophies.

“The new border security bill does not include amnesty of any kind,” reads Lankford’s summary. It dubs the current immigration system “Catch & Release” and says the bill would replace it with “Catch & Deport”. The Oklahoman highlights one of the biggest changes the proposal would make at the border, which is automatically closing it to new arrivals if crossing reach a certain point. From his summary:

Changes the default when the border is overrun from releasing everyone into the country to deporting everyone out of the country. When the average number of crossings exceeds 5,000 people a week (which it has every week but one in the past four months) everyone crossing illegally everyday is rapidly deported out of the country without an asylum screening. In the past four months almost a million people have crossed our border. If this law had been in place four months ago, all of them would have been deported out of the country, rather than released into the country.

When the border closes, it stays closed and everyone is deported every day until the number of people crossing illegally drops. Once the number of encounters drop, the border continues to stay closed for up to an additional two weeks to continue to drive the numbers down; It closes the border when we exceed our capacity to detain and deport so no one is released into the US because of the crowd.

In his summary, Murphy highlights how the bill would offer new resources to migrants, such as work authorizations for asylum seekers, and attorneys for people facing deportation. He also notes that “Democrats rejected many of the harmful and draconian policies pushed by Republicans”, such as making it easier to deport people already in the country, and making it more difficult to obtain asylum.

Shortly after the immigration policy compromise legislation was released, Republican House majority leader Steve Scalise said the chamber would refuse to hold a vote on it:

Let me be clear: The Senate Border Bill will NOT receive a vote in the House.

Here’s what the people pushing this “deal” aren’t telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients—a magnet for more illegal immigration.

— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) February 5, 2024

But it was that latter part of the tweet that appears to have sparked a response from James Lankford, the Oklahoma senator who was the main Republican involved in negotiating the bill. He took issue with Scalise’s statement that the proposal would allow 5,000 undocumented people into the country per day, saying it would do no such thing:

The Border Emergency Authority has been the most misunderstood or maybe just misrepresented parts of the bill. Some people have said it would mean 5,000 people a day are coming into the country every day. That is absurd and untrue.

— Sen. James Lankford (@SenatorLankford) February 5, 2024

The emergency authority is not designed to let 5,000 people in, it is designed to close the border and turn 5,000 people around.

— Sen. James Lankford (@SenatorLankford) February 5, 2024

Some Senate Democrats are also objecting to the immigration deal, arguing it unnecessarily dismantles protections for migrants.

California’s Alex Padilla argues the proposal is inconsistent with international law, and was negotiated by the wrong people:

It is critical that we support our allies in their fight to defend democracy and provide humanitarian relief, but not at the expense of dismantling our asylum system while ultimately failing to alleviate the challenges at our border.

Read my full statement below.

— Senator Alex Padilla (@SenAlexPadilla) February 5, 2024

New Jersey’s Bob Menendez also came out against it, saying the chamber was being set up to vote on the proposal without having enough time to review it. Like Padilla, he objected to Hispanic lawmakers not being involved in its negotiation. “Could you imagine a voting rights deal coming together without start-to-finish input from the Congressional Black Caucus? Unimaginable! An immigration deal without any input from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and immigration advocates should be equally unimaginable. Yet here we are,” Menendez said.

He also said the bill was too conservative. Here’s more from Menendez:

This package — which we have just begun to study — doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. These changes are permanent in nature without any meaningful relief for the 12 million undocumented immigrants in the country, including Dreamers that have lived here for a decade or more. Major chunks of this legislation read like an enforcement wish list from the Trump administration, and directly clash with the most basic tenets of our asylum system. It would permanently contort our asylum system by making it harder for asylum seekers to have their claims heard and making it impossible for asylum claims to be adjudicated at all based on arbitrarily set trigger numbers that could shut down our border.

Republican opposition grows to immigration deal

The immigration policy compromise legislation was negotiated by a trio of Democratic, Republican and independent senators. It has the support of Joe Biden, and the leaders of both parties in the Senate.

Yet all signs point to the bill eventually ending up on the trash heap, alongside all the other immigration policy proposals Congress has rejected over the past two decades. The biggest sign of its eventual fate is Republican House speaker Mike Johnson’s opposition to the legislation. He had repeatedly hinted that he would reject the bill when it was released, and made good on that promise:

I’ve seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected, and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, “the border never closes.”

If this bill reaches the House, it will be…

— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) February 5, 2024

Meanwhile, opposition to the proposal is growing in the Senate, particularly among Republicans. While Democrats control the chamber, the legislation will need the votes of at least nine Republicans to overcome a filibuster. Montana’s Steve Daines just announced he is against the bill. That’s significant, because he is a member of Senate Republican leadership:

I can’t support a bill that doesn’t secure the border, provides taxpayer funded lawyers to illegal immigrants and gives billions to radical open borders groups. I’m a no.

— Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) February 5, 2024

Daines, notably, demands the president reinstitute hardline immigration policies enacted under Donald Trump, which Biden repealed. That’s a nonstarter:

President Biden should instead use his executive authority to reinstitute the Trump policies he canceled:

➡️ Remain in Mexico

➡️ Title 42

➡️ Wall construction

— Steve Daines (@SteveDaines) February 5, 2024

Ukraine and Israel aid under threat as immigration bill faces stiff opposition

Good morning, US politics blog readers. The Senate over the weekend released the text of its long-awaited proposal to enact strict immigration policy measures meant to discourage migrants from crossing the southern border. Republicans have demanded passage of the legislation in exchange for their votes for another round of military aid to Ukraine, as well as Israel. But the proposal wasn’t enough for many in the GOP, most significantly House speaker Mike Johnson, who declared the legislation “dead on arrival”. Several Democrats are also objecting to measures in the bill that would essentially turn away migrants, raising questions about whether it has enough support in either chamber to pass.

If the bill dies, it’s unclear how Congress will find agreement on providing military aid to two of America’s biggest national security priorities, particularly Ukraine, whose cause far-right lawmakers have turned against. While Joe Biden has argued the two countries’ causes are linked, Johnson vowed over the weekend to hold a vote on a stand-alone aid package for Israel – a prospect Biden and the Democrats rejected as insufficient. The deadlock raises the prospect that neither country will receive the US military assistance they argue they need, at least not anytime soon.

Here’s what else is going on today:

  • Campaigning is picking up in the New York City suburbs, ahead of the 13 February special election to replace expelled Republican congressman George Santos. Democrats hope former House lawmaker Tom Suozzi can win the seat back, while the GOP is backing their candidate Mazi Pilip.

  • Primary season continues this week, though without many surprises expected. After Biden won South Carolina’s Democratic primary on Saturday, Donald Trump is expected to triumph in Thursday’s Republican caucuses in Nevada.

  • Antony Blinken is on another tour of the Middle East as the Biden administration faces the prospect of a widening regional conflict. Follow our live blog for more.

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