Over 10,000 people are suing Ministry of Defence for deafness due to military servicethedigitalchaps


OVER 10,000 people are suing the Ministry of Defence for deafness due to military service – more than three times more than previously thought

They could be in-line for billions of pounds after two Royal Marines with hearing loss won £500,000 and £700,000 payouts.


Over 10,000 people are suing Ministry of Defence for deafness due to military serviceCredit: AFP

The figures emerged as defence chiefs lost a legal battle to lump thousands of cases together.

Some 3,500 claims have been brought by Hugh James solicitors while another 18 other law firms have at least 7,000 more cases, court papers revealed.

Most will be heard individually but could take years to come to court.

Official figures showed the MoD paid out £95million in nine years over hearing loss and tinnitus.

A legal source said the hearing loss was often caused by explosions, gun fire and the sounds of engines and fast jets.

It cuts careers short and limits what veterans can do when they leave.

The source said: “Compensation covers the loss of lifetime income that the individual might have had if they hadn’t lost their hearing.”

The Royal British legion Poppy Charity estimates 300,000 veterans are living with hearing loss.

The MoD said: *“Extensive measures are in place to help prevent hearing loss injuries, including regular hearing tests. The MOD pays compensation when there is a proven legal liability to do so.”
