Which States Have Banned Non-Compete Clauses? Here’s What To Know As New York Could Be Next.thedigitalchaps



New York Governor Kathy Hochul is considering signing a bill passed in June that would ban all non-compete clauses in the state—which would make it the sixth state to pass a broad ban on the practice that bars employees from working for competitors.

Key Facts

Five states have fully banned non-compete clauses: California, Colorado, Oklahoma, North Dakota, and Minnesota.

California, the largest economy in the United States, has banned all non-compete clauses since 1872, but recently passed legislation in September strengthening the ban to also apply to contracts signed outside of the state.

Colorado banned non-compete clauses in 2022, but left a carve-out for contracts for “highly compensated workers” —anyone making more than $112,500 in 2023.

Massachusetts also passed legislation to restrict non-compete clauses in 2018, fully banning them for doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, broadcast industry workers, and lawyers.

Key Background

New York passed its own ban, Senate Bill S3100, banning non-compete clauses in June. The ban proposed is similar to California’s, voiding all current non-compete clauses and gives employees the grounds to sue companies that try to enforce them. However, the Business Council of New York opposed the legislation, calling the clauses “important tools for employers to protect their legitimate business interests.” The group said it feared the ban would cause New York firms to become less competitive with those from other states. Governor Hochul has resisted signing the bill into law and called for compromise with business groups. Hochul proposed a solution similar to the approach Colorado took—allow non-compete clauses for workers making more than $250,000 per year. “I’m not so worried about the very wealthy, well taken care of Wall Street, hedge fund financiers and top paid lawyers,” the governor told NY1 at a press conference on November 30. “They can take care of themselves.”

What To Watch For

If the bill is rewritten to include the income limits, it would have to be sent back to the legislature for approval. The process would likely extend into January or February, meaning the new changes would not go into effect until 2025.


Meanwhile, the Federal Trade Commission proposed a rule change in January that would ban all non-compete clauses across the country. FTC Chair Lina Khan said that ending the practice would encourage “dynamism, innovation, and healthy competition” in the American economy. It would save workers between $250 billion and $296 billion per year, the commission said.

Further Reading

MORE FROM FORBESNew York State Set To Prohibit Noncompete Agreements: This Could Have Important Implications For Millions Of EmployeesMORE FROM FORBESWhy The FTC’s Proposed Rule Banning Non-Competes Is Good For WorkersMORE FROM FORBESEmployees, Here Are 4 Things You Should Know About Non-Compete Agreements
