A lively Monitor Breakfast with Cornel West, presidential candidatethedigitalchaps


As soon as Cornel West walked into Washington’s St. Regis Hotel on December 14, I knew we were in for an interesting ride. He greeted me warmly, bowing deeply as he shook both my hands, calling me “sister Linda,” and asking me all about my background. Dr. West, a prominent academic, progressive activist, and independent candidate for president, soon made his way into the dining room for a lively Monitor Breakfast with reporters.

The questions were obvious: Could Dr. West’s candidacy cost President Joe Biden reelection next November? What did he think of last week’s congressional hearing on antisemitism at U.S. universities? What is his campaign strategy?

Dr. West did not disappoint. The Boston Globe focused on his response to the hearing: “Cornel West says university presidents gave ‘weak’ answers on antisemitism but shouldn’t lose their jobs.” The Daily Mail led with him “brushing off concerns” that he could hurt President Biden.
