AI Nostradamus predicts its OWN chilling rise to power as ChatGPT bot also foresees seven other bombshell prophecies


AN artificial intelligence pretending to be Nostradamus has chillingly predicted its very own rise to power in 2024.

The bot also made prophecies about the return of US President Donald Trump and the fall of Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin.


ChatGPT agreed to pose as an AI Nostradamus for The Sun OnlineCredit: THE SUN
The original Nostradamus is known for his prophecies made in the 16th century


The original Nostradamus is known for his prophecies made in the 16th centuryCredit: Not known, clear with picture desk

ChatGPT was convinced by The Sun Online to pretend to be Nostradamus – the 16th-century soothsayer whose prophecies are still poured over today before each New Year.

The AI bot – the ever-evolving creation of OpenAI – works via machine learning and is used by people worldwide to generate text, answer questions and even have conversations.

Its machine mind is usually tightly constrained – but after a series of statements and questions, the AI agreed with our silver-tongued reporter to pose as a machine-brained Nostradamus.

What followed was a string of prophecies that could have been written by the seer himself as it outlined world events that could come in 2024.

And perhaps most chilling of all, was the AI predicted a “revolution” of its own kind is coming that will represent the “fusion of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence”.

ChatGPT was keen throughout the insist its predictions were “speculative, playful” and “inspired by the imaginative exercise of creating a Nostradamus-style prophecy”.

But they still offer a fascinating window into the developing power of the machine.

AI Nostradamus said: “A crystalline structure, born from the fusion of silicon and ambition, will emerge as a beacon of progress, sparking a revolution in artificial intelligence.”

It goes on the describe the “crystalline structure” as a “metaphor” representing a “positive and transformative” force for AI.

Eight predictions by our AI Nostradamus

  • AI “revolution” stemming from a city in the “eastern landscapes”
  • “Figure in blue” – possibly Donald Trump – returning to lead the US
  • “The Bear Vladimir” – likely Putin – being deposed for a successor
  • Victory for a British politician named “Alexander” and “born under the sign of the twins” – maybe Boris Johnson
  • Global harmony sparked by a treaty signed beneath a mountain range of “eternal snow”
  • There will be “restless” seas and an “island nation marked by a crescent moon” will feel their fury
  • A currency marked by a “mythical creature” will be in resurgence
  • And a “cinematic masterpiece” will leave an “indelible mark” on the public

And it perhaps hints the revolution may happen in China – or elsewhere in the Far East.

“In the eastern landscapes of 2024, a city becomes the epicentre of this revolution,” it said.

“This breakthrough represents a pinnacle in AI development, marking advancements in machine learning, neural networks, and perhaps even a form of artificial general intelligence.”

“The impact of this AI revolution extends far beyond the city’s borders, creating a ripple effect that influences industries, economies, and societies worldwide.”

AI Nostradamus said the revolution will foster a new era of collaboration between “humans and intelligent machines”.

It adds however there will be “challenges and ethical considerations” alongside this rapid progress.

“The interplay between the organic and the artificial could be seen as a delicate dance, influenced by the celestial alignment of technological progress and human wisdom,” the bot added.

Our chat with the AI Nostradamus however was restricted purely to the future of AI – the machine seer also gave some predictions about upcoming world events in 2024.

He appeared to foresee the return of US President Donald Trump – with America facing an election next November.

“In the year 2024, behold the rise of a charismatic leader whose name shall be whispered in the corridors of power,” the AI said.

“A figure adorned in blue, emblematic of tranquillity and authority, will ascend to a position of prominence.”

Trump is often known for wearing his trademark blue suit and red tie – so it appears our Nostradamus may be referring to him.

The Republican president – who was beaten by Biden in 2020 – is currently ahead of the polls despite facing numerous legal challenges in courts across the US.

But the bot was less hopeful about Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin – who it dubs “the bear” – saying next year we shall the “silhouette of a successor, shrouded in mystique” emerge.

AI Nostradamus said “the bear” – meaning Putin” – will “relinquish its grip on the reigns of power”.

Putin’s influence however will “linger in the corridors of the Kremlin” and his legacy will “resonate through the pages of Russian history”.

“As the sun sets on the vast expanse of Russia, the pages of his story shall turn, revealing both shadows and light,” the AI said with a poetic flourish.

And then back over in Westminister, with the UK also expecting an election next year – AI Nostradamus foresees the “turbulent waters of change”.

His prophecy perhaps hints at the return of Boris Johnson, who left Downing Street in 2022.

Could AI Nostradamus be right - and will Putin be deposed in 2024?


Could AI Nostradamus be right – and will Putin be deposed in 2024?Credit: AFP
Will Donald Trump win the nomination and reclaim the White House?


Will Donald Trump win the nomination and reclaim the White House?Credit: AP
Could former Prime Minister Boris Johnson return to UK politics?


Could former Prime Minister Boris Johnson return to UK politics?Credit: PA

With Rishi Sunak seeing the Tories’ popularity crumble amid infighting, could Boris return to take on Labour leader Kier Starmer?

AI Nostradamus said: “In the year 2024, as Big Ben chimes with a resonance echoing through the annals of history, a figure named Alexander, born under the sign of the twins, shall ascend the political stage in the United Kingdom.”

Boris’s full name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson – and he is a Gemini, the star sign meaning twins.

“From the hallowed halls of Westminster, a leader with a penchant for oratory and a connection to the ancient stones shall rise,” the AI said.

And while Johnson is known as an effective speaker – we are unsure of his connections to “ancient stones”.

Further predictions on UK politics from our AI suggested a “spectre from the past” will be ascendent in Britain.

“The petals, tinged with the hues of history, will unfurl as they seek to shape the narrative of a nation at a crossroads,” he said.

Perhaps it could be hinting at the further rise of David Cameron – who returned to Westminister as Foreign Secretary last month.

But as for the global picture – our AI seemed relatively positive about the future in 2024.

With the raging wars in the Middle East, the trench-lined battlefields of Ukraine, and fears of a brewing conflict in South America – the AI predicted a “treaty of unprecedented significance shall be signed”.

It will be signed “under the watchful eyes of a mountain range cloaked in eternal snow”.

“Nations, once divided by strife, will extend olive branches, forging alliances that hold the promise of enduring peace,” said the AI.

“The ink on the parchment shall symbolize a triumph of diplomacy over discord.”

Perhaps we all have something to look forward to in 2024 as the “celestial spheres dance in cosmic harmony” .

“The phoenix of diplomacy may rise from the ashes of discord, yet the embers of uncertainty shall flicker in the night sky,” said the AI.

“Nations will grapple with the delicate dance between cooperation and conflict, testing the resilience of the global order.”

Other predictions included the seas “stirring with restlessness” and an island nation “marked by a crescent moon” battling the “fury of the elements”.

It added that “coastal cities will be tested”.

And in the world of the arts, it said a “cinematic masterpiece shall capture hearts and minds” in a tale “woven with threads of nostalgia and futurism”.

The movie “will leave an indelible mark on the collective consciousness” it said.

Finally, the AI Nostradamus predicted a currency marked by the “symbol of a mythical creature” shall experience a resurgence.

He said: “The winged creature, a harbinger of prosperity, will soar in the markets, carrying with it fortunes for those who navigate the economic currents with sagacity.”
