Announcing the search for a new provost | WSU Insiderthedigitalchaps


By Kirk Schulz, System President
Washington State University

When we began developing the OneWSU initiative in 2019, we did so with the recognition that Washington State University needed a formalized organization of system and campus-specific resources to better adapt to the changing needs of our communities. The implementation of this structure has improved transparency and provided a certain level of flexibility as we look to continue the evolution of WSU and its network of campuses, extension sites, and research centers. To better support that end, I would like to announce that we will be launching a nationwide search for the next System Provost and Executive Vice President beginning in January 2024.

As you may know, two years ago, I asked Elizabeth Chilton to serve in a dual role as Inaugural Pullman chancellor in addition to her position as provost and executive vice president. At the time of her appointment into this dual role, we both recognized that the responsibilities of the WSU Pullman chancellor position would eventually develop to the point where a joint dual position as chancellor and provost would no longer be advantageous. As research and scholarship continue to grow across the system, we acknowledge that there is a need for a singularly focused system provost and executive vice president.

Following her two highly successful years serving as both WSU Pullman chancellor and provost, I have asked Elizabeth to continue in her role as Pullman Chancellor and for us to begin a national search for our next WSU System provost and executive vice president. Elizabeth has agreed to continue to serve in her dual role until a new provost starts.

Dr. Katrina Mealey, Richard L. Ott Endowed Chair and Regents professor, and Daryll DeWald, executive vice president for health sciences and chancellor for WSU Spokane, will co-chair the national search. We anticipate a new provost will start prior to the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester. We will continue to keep the WSU community informed as we move forward with this search and will have ample opportunities for community listening sessions and participation in public finalist interviews. I am grateful for Elizabeth’s strong leadership as provost over the past three and a half years, and I appreciate her dedication to a smooth transition in support of the continuing evolution of our system and OneWSU.
