Auto & Transport Roundup: Market Talkthedigitalchaps


Updated Dec. 5, 2023 4:59 pm ET

The latest Market Talks covering the Auto and Transport sector. Published exclusively on Dow Jones Newswires at 4:20 ET, 12:20 ET and 16:50 ET.

1439 ET – XPO’s acquisition of some Yellow terminals is denting the company’s credit outlook. XPO would issue $985 million in debt to finance the $870 million purchase, increasing the company’s funds from operations to debt ratio in the near term. S&P Global Ratings says the deal will enhance XPO’s network, but comes with execution risks as the company looks to integrate its new terminals into its existing network. Moody’s changes its outlook on the company’s credit to stable from positive, while S&PGR revises its outlook to negative from stable. XPO shares fall 3.7% to $85.50. (; @benglickman)

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