Black bank manager sues Metropolitan Police for £1m after ‘racist’ two-year investigation


Dale Semper is suing the Met, claiming damages for ‘lost earnings, psychological damage, false imprisonment, trespass and discrimination’ – CHAMPION NEWS SERVICE

A “high-flying” black bank manager who was pulled over by the police and wrongly accused of gun crime is suing the Metropolitan Police for £1 million.

Dale Semper says he suffered deep trauma and went through two years of stress and uncertainty while detectives investigated him over wrongful suspicions of involvement in crime.

During that time, Mr Semper, from Enfield, London, was also suspended from his £72,000-a-year role with Lloyds Bank after his employers learned he was being investigated. The 41-year-old was later allowed back to work.

Police also searched the home of his partner, Denise Huggan, a HR manager, as well as his mother, Linnette Semper.

Now Mr Semper – alongside Ms Huggan and his mother, who has worked for the NHS for 20 years – are suing the force for around £1 million, claiming damages for “lost earnings, psychological damage, false imprisonment, trespass and discrimination”.

‘Stressful’ two-year investigation

Following a decision at the High Court, the case is set to go to trial in front of a civil court judge, sitting with a specialist “assessor” skilled in cases involving alleged racial discrimination.

In his claim, Mr Semper said in August 2017 he and Ms Huggan were stopped by police as he drove her to a train station.

Officers ordered him out of the car and handcuffed him, despite Mr Semper protesting they had “got the wrong guy”.

He was then driven back to his home, which was searched while he had to stand outside his own home in handcuffs in front of his neighbours.

Officers searched for guns in his house. After not finding any firearms, they told Mr Semper he was instead being investigated for money laundering.

It was only in October 2019 that he was informed over the phone that the investigation was being dropped and that no further action would be taken.

Mr Semper also had his bank accounts frozen and had to account for all the money he spent and earned in exhaustive detail.

Claimant ‘singled out’ by officers

He is suing the Met on multiple grounds – including racial discrimination, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, misfeasance and breach of data protection.

He claims he was singled out by police due to skewed “racial profiling”, which the force has denied, insisting it had “reasonable and probable cause” for all its officers’ actions.

The Met says it was acting on intelligence and, although it did not lead to a prosecution, it was justified in investigating.

During an earlier hearing, Mr Semper’s barrister Adam Wagner revealed that the “high value” case could be worth around £1 million to him and his family.

He said the case includes a substantial loss of earnings claim, particularly for Mr Semper, who he said was a “well-paid and relatively young bank employee who has suffered a serious and potentially long-term psychiatric injury as a result of the alleged unlawful actions of the police”.

“The lost earnings claim is substantial and would form the bulk of the damages,” he said, adding that there was a “substantial” psychological damage claim, as well as for false imprisonment and discrimination.

Met Police deny liability

But Mr Wagner said that, as well as money, the family want answers as to why “a black man – a businessman and successful bank manager – would be put through what he was put through”.

Lawyers for the Met deny all liability and say the £1 million claim against them is “aspirational and enthusiastic”, suggesting Mr Spencer’s career path would have flattened out anyway.

No date has been set for the trial.

In earlier interviews, Mr Semper claimed he would never have been pursued had he been a white bank manager, and claimed detectives simply could not accept that a black person could be a high earner without a criminal background.
