COP28 ‘on verge of complete failure’ as draft deal is silent on ending fossil fuelsthedigitalchaps


THE COP28 climate summit was near collapse last night after a draft deal failed to mention phasing out fossil fuels.

The document removed the wording from an ­earlier text which called for a ban.


Climate activist, former US Vice President, and 2000 presidential candidate Al Gore said COP28 was on the verge of ‘complete failure’Credit: AP

It is a key demand of the EU and many developing nations, especially those vulnerable to ­climate change.

An EU representative called the draft “unacceptable” and said the bloc could walk away from the talks in Dubai.

EU negotiator and Ireland’s environment minister Eamon Ryan said: “We can’t accept the text.”

But he added that the complete failure of COP28 is “not the outcome the world needs”.

Al Gore, a climate activist and former US Vice President, said the summit was on the verge of “complete failure”.

He posted on X/Twitter: “The world desperately needs to phase out fossil fuels as quickly as possible, but this obsequious draft reads as if OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) dictated it word for word.

“It is deeply offensive to all who have taken this process seriously.”
