Dozens of MPs oppose Abu Dhabi takeover of The Telegraph


daily telegraph

Dozens of MPs have urged the Culture Secretary to block the Abu Dhabi-backed takeover of The Telegraph owing to concerns about the threat to press freedom.

A Cabinet minister and frontbenchers from both major parties are among 73 MPs known to oppose the bid by Redbird IMI, a private equity joint venture that is three-quarters funded by the Gulf autocracy.

Lucy Frazer, the Culture Secretary, ordered a review of the planned takeover by Ofcom last month amid concerns about editorial independence and national security.

The regulator is expected to deliver its recommendations within weeks, but it is Ms Frazer who has the power to ultimately block or approve Redbird IMI’s plans.

One Cabinet minister told The Telegraph: “I do not support the sale and hope it won’t go ahead.”

Four other Conservative ministers are also understood to have concerns about editorial independence. One said: “Abu Dhabi doesn’t have a great record – The Telegraph is really important and I’m deeply suspicious of the idea of it being moved away.”

Prominent Tory backbenchers who are critical of the sale include Sir Iain Duncan Smith, a former party leader, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, a former Brexit minister, and Alicia Kearns, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee.

International Media Investments (IMI), an Abu Dhabi vehicle backed by Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al-Nayhan, is providing 75pc of the £600m price for The Telegraph and The Spectator, its sister publication and the oldest magazine in the world.

Jeff Zucker

Jeff Zucker, the former CNN chief who is fronting the bid, has submitted legally binding proposals to Ofcom – Clara Molden

Jeff Zucker, the former CNN chief who is fronting the bid, has submitted legally binding proposals to Ofcom that would establish a five-person editorial trust to ensure the titles remain independent.

The proposals would see RedBird IMI effectively enter into a contract with the Government pledging that the editor would have control of all editorial matters, including the scope and nature of news coverage and comment.

But the pledges have been met with scepticism by many across the political spectrum, who warned there could be no cast-iron guarantees of editorial freedom.

Leaders of three different Tory factions representing different wings of the party also registered their concerns about the sale.

These are Sir John Hayes, chairman of the Common Sense Group, Mark Francois, chairman of the European Research Group (ERG) and Matt Warman, the leading member of the One Nation caucus.

Mr Warman, a former technology editor of The Telegraph before he entered Parliament in 2015, said: “I do not support the sale, and I have said so privately to the Secretary of State and the Deputy Prime Minister.”

sir gavin williamson

Sir Gavin Williamson is among those in favour of the takeover – TOLGA AKMEN/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

At least five Labour shadow ministers are understood to be against the sale. One member of Sir Keir Starmer’s frontbench team said: “The Government has looked at this particular issue through the prism of the economic implications.

“That is a part of the process, but I think there are wider implications and wider concerns that mean that a proposed takeover of this nature needs to be looked at by the National Security Council. It doesn’t appear that this is the case.”

All 15 Liberal Democrat MPs also oppose the plans. Wera Hobhouse, the party’s energy spokesman, said: “It is highly problematic and has been for decades that foreign owners control parts of the British press, but successive governments have allowed it to happen.”

The Telegraph contacted all 650 MPs to ask whether they would support the sale, but only three – Tory MPs Sir Gavin Williamson, Sir Brandon Lewis and Daniel Kawczynski – said they were in favour of the takeover.

The Telegraph is currently being overseen by a panel of independent directors, who will remain in place until new ownership is determined.

Should RedBird IMI’s plans be derailed by the outcome of the Ofcom investigation, the directors would relaunch an auction organised by Goldman Sachs.

The publisher of the Daily Mail and Sir Paul Marshall, the co-owner of GB News, were among the bidders at the initial auction.
