Health Care Roundup: Market Talkthedigitalchaps


The latest Market Talks covering the Health Care sector. Published exclusively on Dow Jones Newswires at 4:20 ET, 12:20 ET and 16:50 ET.

0744 GMT – 2024 will likely be a rebound year for China’s healthcare sector following delays and interruptions from anticorruption campaigns targeting the sector, Citi analysts say in a research note. Sales recovery with lower selling expenses and a return of true innovation with sound commercial models will likely be some main themes in 2024, the analysts say. Citi expects most manufacturers to report stronger sales performance in 4Q 2023 compared with 3Q 2023, and improve further in 1H 2024. Leading companies could continue to improve margins and market share with lower selling expenses under strict anticorruption monitoring, the bank says. Meanwhile, Citi reckons late 2023 might have been an inflection point when Chinese regulators turned from pressing price cuts to providing monetary support toward innovation. (

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