I’m a PS5 gamer and there are five little-known buttons that instantly boost your controller’s battery – try them now


YOUR PS5 controller needs regular charging if you want to keep playing without the annoying wire plugged in.

Overtime, the battery lifespan will start to dwindle like any other electrical device.


The battery’s lifespan will dwindle with timeCredit: Getty

Fortunately there are some ways that will help your PS5 controller battery last a bit longer, according to TikToker tinkermanmick.

Most of the options shared are adjustable, so you can choose to lower their strength or switch them off entirely.

“Obviously the lower you set them, the more power you’re going to save,” Mick explains.

Vibration Intensity

Vibration is great for providing you feedback about what’s going on in a game, such as if you’ve been hit or fallen.

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But it can be a real battery life sucker.

Even switching the intensity down can save some power.

It’s set to Strong as standard.

If you want to take it down a notch – or switch it off entirely – start by going to the home screen and selecting Settings.

Go to Accessories, then Controller (General).

Click on Vibration Intensity and choose from Strong (Standard), Medium, Weak or Off.

Trigger Effect Intensity

Mick also recommends dabbling with the Trigger Effect Intensity to save power.

You’ll find it beneath the Vibration Intensity settings.

It’s also set to Strong (Standard) but you can switch it down to Medium, Weak and Off.

Brightness of Controller Indicators

Flashing lights may look pretty but it too can use up battery.

You can’t switch them off but you can tone the lights down.

Below Trigger Effect Intensity, you’ll find Brightness of Controller Indicators.

From here there is Bright (Standard), as well as Medium and Dim.

Controller Speaker

According to Mick, the controller speaker is “useless”.

This is the feature that plays out additional sounds from your controller, creating an immersive effect.

Go back to the settings and look for Controller Speaker.

From here, turn the dial all the way down.

Turn off the microphone

Another feature you don’t really need unless you’re playing multiplayer games online is the microphone.

You can switch it off by pressing the microphone button on your controller.

It’ll turn orange once it’s off.

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