Israeli soldier, 19, held hostage by Hamas is confirmed dead after terrorists show her body in sick propaganda videothedigitalchaps


ISRAEL has confirmed the death of a soldier being held hostage by Hamas after the terrorists released a video which they claimed showed her lifeless body.

Cpl. Noa Marciano, 19, of the IDF’s Combat Intelligence Collection Corps 414th was captured by the Hamas brutes on October 7.


Cpl. Noa Marciano

The teenager was serving in the Nahal Oz base when it was overrun by terrorists.

Hamas yesterday released footage of the soldier speaking to the camera four days after she was taken hostage.

She identified herself and confirmed she was being held captive in Gaza.

The horror video cut to images of what the terrorists claimed was Marciano’s dead body.

Still pictures of a young woman with similar features to Marciano lay with her eyes closed on a blood-stained bedsheet.

A second image showed a bloody head wound.

The caption beneath the horrific propaganda claimed Marciano was killed “in an airstrike by the Zionist enemy” last Thursday.

Israel’s military has now confirmed Marciano’s death, recognising her as a “fallen soldier held captive by a terror group”.

It appears to be the first time Israel has confirmed such a claim by Hamas.

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