Kim Kardashian Called Out For “Out Of Touch” TikTok And Tanning Bedthedigitalchaps


For example, in March 2022, Kim came under fierce scrutiny for an ill-fated interview with Variety magazine, where she told the reporter, “I have the best advice for women in business. Get your fucking ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.”

The situation went from bad to worse when Kim doubled down on what she had said when the storyline aired months later on her family’s reality show, The Kardashians.

Kim insisted that people do not understand her family’s struggle during her childhood, referencing the fact that her parents once sold their house in Hidden Hills, California, to move into an apartment.

It was quickly pointed out that in Kim’s mom Kris Jenner’s 2011 memoir, she details briefly moving the family out of Hidden Hills and into a “decadent” townhouse — but only while their brand-new Hidden Hills home was being built. 
