Men prefer office working – to get away from their wives


Men are twice as likely as women to go to the office to avoid their families and steal stationery, a survey has found.

Nearly a quarter of respondents to a survey gave “getting away from family” as a reason for going into the office, with men twice as likely to give this answer.

Men were also far more likely to say they go to the office to take stationery supplies for their personal use, when questioned by Runway East, a co-working space provider.

Office banter also had a greater pull for men, who are twice as likely as women to go to the office to make friends and meet people, the study found.

The research chimes with other studies, such as a report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), published in June. It found, after the pandemic, men had returned to the office at a much higher rate than women, with women more likely to spend time doing household chores.
