Millions warned over dangerous Christmas light mistakes – three rules to never break or you risk serious fire


EXPERTS have warned millions to take proper precautions when it comes to holiday lights in their homes.

The holidays should be a time for joy, however, for many, they turn into a time for danger.


Experts have warned Americans to take proper precautions when it comes to holiday lightsCredit: Getty

That’s because many are unaware of the potential risks associated with holiday lights.

On average, around 770 fires are caused by Christmas lights annually, according to a 2020 report by the National Fire Protection Association.

However, by taking the right precautions, you can avoid a potentially fatal fire in your home.

Here are three dangerous mistakes people often make with holiday lights.


While indoor and outdoor lights might look similar, there’s a big difference between them.

And understanding the difference between indoor-rated and outdoor-rated lights is crucial for ensuring safety in your home.

Outdoor-rated lights are specifically designed to withstand the elements and harsher weather.

This means that they can maintain safe electrical connections, preventing potential hazards.

Indoor-rated lights, on the other hand, are designed for the inside of your home.

As such, using indoor lights outside, especially in the rain, significantly increases the risk of both electrical shock and fire.


Storing lights incorrectly can also cause a fire in your home, especially if they’re wet.

It’s important to make sure they’re dry and protected from the elements.

Experts recommend not storing them in the attic or basement, where they can be exposed to extreme heat or cold because this can deteriorate the wiring.

The best place to store them is in a cool, dry place, such as a closet.


There are a few things you should keep in mind when installing your holiday lights.

First, don’t overload outlets or extension cords – incandescent lights have a limit of about 500 lights per outlet.

When in doubt, consult the manufacturer’s guidelines and don’t connect different strands of lights on the same outlet.

For example, never connect LED lights with incandescent lights.

You should also never staple light strands when installing holiday lights outside.


To help Americans stay safe, experts have shared several tips regarding holiday lights.

First, inspect your lights before each use – you’ll want to look for frayed wires, damaged bulbs, and loose connections.

Use a timer to turn your lights on and off automatically to help avoid them overheating.

Don’t leave your lights on unattended – always turn them off before going to bed or leaving the house.

Dispose of your lights properly. Don’t throw them in the trash.
