My iPhone battery survived Antarctic freeze thanks to my genius trick – everyone should do the same when it snows


A MAN whose iPhone survived Antarctic freeze has revealed the genius trick behind how he did it – and it’s a must-know for when the snow hits.

“It’s the little life hacks that make the big difference,” Matthew Jordan, who has lived and worked in Antarctica for more than five years, wrote in an Instagram post.


Jordan, who is an Project Manager for New Zealand’s Antarctica research base, added that this trick is also wise for the ski fieldCredit: Instagram / @mattykjordan

In a video, Jordan says many people ask him how his iPhone doesn’t freeze in the cold.

“Batteries in general do not last long here at all, but there a few small tips and tricks that we can employ to make them last a bit longer,” he explained.

“This is one I often employ for my phone to prolong the battery life.

“Batteries do not last in the cold.”

According to Apple, using an iPhone or iPad in very cold conditions can temporarily shorten battery life.

Cold weather may even cause your device to turn off and stop charging.

Apple recommends that your iPhone should be used in ambient temperatures no lower than 0C/ 32F.

And it shouldn’t be stored where the temperature is lower than -20C / -4F.

But as we all know, temperatures can slump well below 0C / 32F in the winter months.

Fortunately, a foot warmer on the outside of your case near the battery “works an absolute treat”.

Jordan, who is an Project Manager for New Zealand’s Antarctica research base, added that this trick is also wise for the ski field.

It helps warm up the iPhone – without making it dangerously hot.

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