NHS to slip cancer warning labels into Morrisons’ pants and bras


David Scott, Corporate Affairs Director at Morrisons, said: “The new care labels on our crop top bras and boxers urge people to get to know their bodies so that they can more easily notice changes and to contact their GP practice sooner if something doesn’t feel right.

“In the majority of cases, it won’t be cancer, but where it is cancer, diagnosing it early means treatments are more likely to be successful and can ultimately save lives.”

Dame Cally Palmer, NHS England’s National Director for Cancer, said: “This is the first time the whole of the NHS has worked with a national supermarket brand to put health messaging on clothing, with the aim of encouraging thousands more people to be body aware, so they can spot new or unexplained changes that might be cancer symptoms early, and contact their GP practice for checks if concerned.

“I want to urge everyone to be aware of their own bodies – please look out for lumps and bumps or anything else that is unusual for you – and get checked out early, it could save your life.”

Morrisons has also made a £10,00 donation to the charities federation NHS Charities Together and committed to transferring more than £2m from its apprenticeship levy, a tax paid by employers to help fund training, to Yorkshire Ambulance Service paramedics.
