‘Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli Still Banned For Life From Pharmaceutical Industrythedigitalchaps



Martin Shkreli, the notorious former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals and convicted securities fraudster, will still be banned from working in the pharmaceutical industry after a federal appeals court in New York upheld a ban enacted after he was found liable for gouging the price of an AIDS drug.

Key Facts

The ban was enacted by a district court judge in 2022 after Shkreli was found liable in a civil lawsuit brought by the Federal Trade Commission that accused him of raising the price of Daraprim, a drug used to treat toxoplasmosis in AIDS patients, from $17.50 per tablet to $750.

Shkreli appealed the case in April 2022, telling the court he had hoped to work in pharmaceuticals again in order to “continue playing a role in the discovery of cures and treatments for rare and life-threatening diseases.”

Shkreli’s lawyers also argued the ban prevented him from commenting on the industry on social media, violating his freedom of speech, but the appeals court noted statements on social media could be “deemed an action taken to influence or control” pharmaceutical businesses.

According to the decision on Tuesday, the appeals court upheld the ban due to “Shkreli’s pattern of past misconduct, the obvious likelihood of its recurrence, and the life-threatening nature of its results.”

Kimo Peluso, a lawyer representing Shkreli in his appeal, said the fines and restrictions imposed on the former pharma exec “go well beyond established legal limits” and they are considering a further appeal.

Key Background

In 2015, Shkreli first became notorious as the “pharma bro” for his management of Daraprim. Turing Pharmaceuticals, one of several pharmaceutical companies founded by Shkreli in early 2015, purchased the exclusive rights to the toxoplasmosis drug from Impax Laboratories that August. About one month after the purchase, pharmaceutical industry publication Healio reported that Turing had raised the price of Daraprim by about 5,000%. Shkreli’s move was widely criticized, including from then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. However, the 32-year-old pharma executive defended his actions, telling Bloomberg the scandal was “blown out of proportion,” while also admitting “of course” he would do it again. Shkreli was eventually sued by the Federal Trade Commission in 2020 for his role in the Daraprim scandal. Seven more U.S. states joined in the FTC’s lawsuit, and District Court Judge Denise Cote found Shkreli liable in January 2022 after a bench trial. In a ruling, Cote wrote that Shkreli was determined to “reap the profits from Daraprim sales for as long as possible” by raising the price, then blocking generic drug competition. The district court found Shkreli’s behavior “egregious, deliberate, repetitive, long-running, and ultimately dangerous.” The district court also called Shkreli’s scheme “far-reaching,” which he accomplished through extensive research, establishing two companies, working through others while in prison and taking advantage of pharmaceutical industry regulations.

Big Number

$64.6 million. That’s the total net profits the district court found Shkreli and his companies made from jacking up the price of Daraprim. Shkreli was ordered to repay that sum to the states that joined the FTC’s lawsuit.


Before he was sued for the Daraprim controversy, Shkreli faced criminal charges for financial crimes also related to a price-control scheme. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Shkreli manipulated the price and trading volume of Retrophin, one of his pharmaceutical companies, in addition to lying to investors about the value of hedge fund MSMB Capital. After a trial in 2017, Shkreli was found guilty on two counts of securities fraud and one count of conspiracy and sentenced to seven years in prison. He was also forced to pay a $75,000 fine, on top of $7.4 million in funds seized by the government. While in prison, Shkreli was briefly put in solitary confinement after the Wall Street Journal reported he was using a contraband cell phone to run his pharmaceutical businesses from his cell. Shkreli was eventually released from prison early in May 2022, only serving about four years of his sentence.

Further Reading

MORE FROM FORBESSources: Martin Shkreli Thrown In Solitary Confinement After Claims He Ran Company From PrisonMORE FROM FORBESA Timeline of the Turing Pharma Controversy
