Politics team wrap-up: Snowy Iowa gears up for caucus nightthedigitalchaps


In American politics, there’s nothing like presidential primary season. Candidates barnstorm diners, kiss babies, grill pork chops. And that’s just Iowa, where the first contests are caucuses – small meetings across the state that get people out of their houses and talking to one another in freezing January. They build community, as I once observed. 

I’ve covered every presidential campaign since 1996, and one thing is certain: You never know what will happen till it happens. See former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum’s surprise victory in the 2012 GOP Iowa caucuses. 

Would you be interested in us keeping you up to date with periodic wrap-ups like this one? This is a trial balloon, but the idea is we would highlight key developments and give you a peek behind the curtain of U.S. politics – both on the campaign trail and back in Washington. (Feedback welcome at editor@csmonitor.com.) – Linda Feldmann, Washington bureau chief
