Pro-Palestinian Protesters Arrested Before Planned London Stock Exchange ‘Disruption’thedigitalchaps



Six pro-Palestine activists were arrested in the U.K. just hours before they planned to “disrupt” the London Stock Exchange when it opened on Monday, the Metropolitan Police said—and credited a tip they said they got from a reporter at the Daily Express.

Key Facts

The arrests came after an undercover reporter from the Daily Express infiltrated a group identified as “Palestine Action,” who tipped off police on Friday that the group’s stunt would target the stock exchange on Monday.

The suspects, three men and three women, were arrested in Greater London, Liverpool and Brighton on Sunday for conspiracy to cause criminal damage, and all remain in police custody.

Detective Superintendent Sian Thomas said the group was “ready to carry out a disruptive and damaging stunt” and thanked the Daily Express for providing “instrumental” help in the investigation.

The Met Police said the group planned to “lock on” to the building, while the report in the Express noted they were prepared to disperse fake bank notes with “money guns” and spray fire extinguishers.

The Daily Express did not return a request for comment from Forbes, and the Met Police said they had no further details to share on the incident.

Key Background

The arrests in the U.K. coincide with the 100th day of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The milestone was met with a weekend of protests around the world. In Washington, thousands of protesters demonstrated outside the White House and on the streets of downtown D.C., condemning the U.S. support for the war that has left an estimated 23,800 Palestinians dead, according to the most recent estimates by the Palestine Health Ministry. Similar protests took place over the weekend in Paris, London and Kuala Lumpur. Meanwhile in Israel, an estimated 120,000 protesters blocked the Ayalon Highway while protesting the government’s failure to bring home all of the hostages taken on October 7.

Further Reading

MORE FROM FORBES325 Pro-Palestinian Protesters Arrested: Rush Hour Bridges, Tunnel Blocked
MORE FROM FORBESWhite House Condemns ‘Antisemitic’ Pro-Palestinian Protest Outside Philadelphia Jewish-Owned Restaurant
