Russia’s Supreme Court Bans ‘International LGBT Public Movement’thedigitalchaps



Russia’s Supreme Court has banned what it calls the “international LGBT public movement” and labeled it an “extremist organization”—despite offering no clear definition of a so-called organization—in the country’s latest move to crack down on freedom of expression and speech.

Key Facts

Russia’s Justice Ministry filed a motion for the ban on Nov. 17, citing “extremist activity” and promoting “social and religious strife,” BBC reported.

The ban was announced after a four-hour closed-door hearing attended by the justices and Justice Ministry officials—no representatives for the “international LGBT movement” were present during the hearing.

Journalists were allowed into the courtroom to hear Judge Oleg Nefedov read the verdict.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov claimed to reporters that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “not following” the case and had no comment on the ruling, Reuters reported.

Participating in or financing an officially designated extremist organization is punishable by up to 12 years in prison under Russian criminal law.

The ruling was sharply criticized by non-government organizations including Human Rights Watch, as well as U.N. Human Rights Chief Volker Turk, who called on Russia to “repeal immediately” the ruling and other discriminatory laws.

Key Background

In November 2022, Russia’s parliament passed a bill banning “LGBT propaganda.” The law expanded a 2013 law that banned “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships” for minors to include all public displays of support for same-sex relationships. In July, the restrictions were expanded further when the Russian legislature voted unanimously to outlaw transgender healthcare, changing one’s gender on official forms, marriages between transgender people and adoption by transgender adults.

Further Reading

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