Somerset town council declares housing crisis – and blames Londoners


Somerset County Council said the whole country was suffering due to a lack of affordable housing.

Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts said: “We need to reassure communities that well-built, ecologically sensitive new homes will help their communities to thrive and ultimately we need to have government support for building social housing,”

Lianna Denwood, 23, from Frome, said she had seen a large increase in Londoners moving down to the South West and blamed newspaper reports of its desirability for the influx.

She added: “My partner is an example. He was living in London and got pushed out due to the price increase on his property, which was £1,000 extra a month.

“It’s a huge rise. Because of it being a desirable place, with the stories about it, that has increased the number of people moving from London and large cities.” 

A Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities spokesman said the Government was on track to build one million houses and thousands of affordable homes. 
