Stop common iPhone battery saving trick – it’s a MYTH and will actually slow your device down, Apple user reveals


AN iPhone user has warned people against a common battery saving hack, claiming it actually makes your smartphone slower.

Apple fans have come up with all sorts of tricks over the years in a desperate bid to maintain juice on their handset for longer.


Not all battery saving tricks are effective it seems…

One such idea that we’ve heard several times in the past is turning off background apps.

It’s widely thought that apps running when they aren’t in use are secretly sucking up power.

“It does not make your phone faster (it actually makes it slower, because it takes longer to initialize an app from storage than to restart it from a suspended state)

Lawrence FinchiPhone user

But according to Lawrence Finch, an iPhone user on the Apple Community forums, it’s a “myth”.

He says that there is “nothing to be gained” from the process and even worsens battery life.

“It is a common belief that you should close apps running in background to improve performance and save battery life,” he said.

“Unfortunately, this is a myth that is not true in almost all situations.”

He explains that even though people think they’re “running” in the background they’re actually just “suspended”.

The iPhone user goes on to say that it shutting down background apps does the opposite of saving battery, because more energy is used to load an app than to restart it from the multitasking screen.

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So what iPhone battery saving tricks do work?

There are some useful iPhone battery saving hacks that will help.

For example, Low Power Mode is a good idea when you’re running low. It temporarily reduces background activity like downloads and mail fetch until you can fully charge your iPhone.

The light behind your screen is a big battery suck, you could try turning it down a bit.

And your 5G / 4G connection takes power too – when you’ve got access to Wi-Fi try disabling the mobile network.

Apple also recommends you have the latest iOS software updates installed as these have are best optimised for your battery.

“It does not make your phone faster (it actually makes it slower, because it takes longer to initialize an app from storage than to restart it from a suspended state),” he continued.

“You should only close an app in the quick-launch screen if it is “misbehaving” – not working right, or if it is using energy (as per Settings/Battery) and you don’t need it at the present time.”
