‘Thank you so much for posting this’ cheer PS5 owners after finding trick to upgrade iPhone with gaming perk


PLAYSTATION fans can unlock a clever second-use for their DualSense controllers.

Console fans were delighted to discover the trick – and anyone with an iPhone can try it too.


Don’t forget that the DualSense joypad works on your iPhone tooCredit: Getty

Every PS5 comes with a DualSense controller, the hi-tech default joypad for this generation of PlayStation consoles.

But it’s easy to forget that your DualSense will connect to other devices – not just your PS5.

In a Reddit thread that has earned dozens of “upvotes”, a PlayStation owner urged gamers to “connect your controller to your phone”.

“So, I don’t know how many people don’t know this. I didn’t even know this until just now,” they wrote.

“I only discovered this because I was trying to play remote play on my cellphone.

“Go to your cellphone’s Bluetooth settings and you can link your controller to your phone.”

Many games offer controller support so you can enjoy your DualSense on popular titles like Call of Duty: Mobile.

You could even go onto the App Store and search for “controller support” games specifically.

The Reddit poster noted: “I have Stardew Valley on my phone and I’ve hated playing it on the phone because it’s such a pain with the touch screen.

“But being able to use a controller synced to your phone makes it all the more better.”

I’m a PS5 gamer and there are five little-known buttons that instantly boost your controller’s battery – try them now

It may also be worth investing in a grip or attachment for your iPhone that lets it hook onto your DualSense.

That way you can turn your iPhone-and-controller pair into a portable games console.

PS5 owners were impressed with the tip, with one grateful fan noting: “Thank you SO MUCH for posting this.

“This just solved a heartbreaking problem for my niece whose hands don’t work sometimes. I never would’ve imagined this was remotely possible.”

How to connect your DualSense to iPhone

First make sure that the DualSense controller is turned off.

Then press and hold the PS button and the Create (or Share) button at the same time.

Do this until the light bar on the controller begins to flash.

This signals that the DualSense is in pairing mode – allowing you to link it to your iPhone.

Now go into Settings > Bluetooth and choose the controller from the list of devices.

If the DualSense has paired but isn’t connected, press the PS button on your controller.
