Tuberville’s blockade of promotions ends. Military trust gap lingers.thedigitalchaps


Just hours after Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama agreed to lift his months-long hold on U.S. military promotions for admirals and generals Tuesday, the Senate confirmed more than 400 of them by voice vote.

The hold had been in place since last February – the Republican senator’s personal protest against a Pentagon policy on access to abortion. 

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For months, one U.S. senator blocked key military promotions over a policy dispute. The logjam has finally ended, but it left military families feeling unfairly treated, and vulnerable to Washington politics.

The challenge ahead, analysts say, will be rebuilding trust with a U.S. military community that had been deeply affected by the political blockade, but which suffered largely in silence for fear of jeopardizing their loved ones’ chances of moving up through the ranks.

The nation’s top officer, Gen. C.Q. Brown, warned lawmakers last July that in the midst of a recruiting crisis, Senator Tuberville’s block on promoting top talent could prompt dedicated officers to leave the service, in part due to nudges from their families.

“If you’re one of those officers or one of those families, it means a lot to you,” says Allison Jaslow, an Iraq War veteran and CEO of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. “These are the best among us, and they were caught in the middle of a Washington political fight as punching bags.”

Just hours after Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R) of Alabama agreed to lift his months-long hold on U.S. military promotions for admirals and generals Tuesday, the Senate confirmed more than 400 of them by voice vote.

The hold had been in place since last February – the Republican senator’s personal protest against a Pentagon policy on access to abortion. Roughly a dozen four-star officers still await confirmations, which appear likely to move forward by individual Senate votes.

The challenge ahead, analysts say, will be rebuilding trust with a U.S. military community that had been deeply affected by the political move, but which suffered largely in silence for fear of jeopardizing their loved ones’ chances of moving up through the ranks.

Why We Wrote This

A story focused on

For months, one U.S. senator blocked key military promotions over a policy dispute. The logjam has finally ended, but it left military families feeling unfairly treated, and vulnerable to Washington politics.

At issue in the dispute was a Pentagon policy, adopted last year after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, that offers travel funds for troops and their dependents who seek abortions, when the procedure is no longer legal in the states where they live. Senator Tuberville blocked high-level officer promotions as a form of protest. (He argued the travel funding violates the Hyde Amendment, which largely bars the federal government from paying for abortions).  

The nation’s top officer, Gen. C.Q. Brown, warned lawmakers last July that in the midst of a recruiting crisis, Senator Tuberville’s block on promoting top talent could prompt dedicated officers to leave the service, in part due to nudges from their families.

In the intervening months, examples of that have come to pass, says Kathy Roth-Douquet, co-founder and chief executive officer of Blue Star Families, an advocacy group that has surveyed some 100,000 service members and their spouses since 2009.
