UAW Starts Unionizing Largest U.S. Mercedes Plant In Campaign Targeting Non-Union Auto Manufacturersthedigitalchaps



The United Auto Workers announced they had collected signatures from over 30% of workers at a Tuscaloosa, Alabama Mercedes-Benz plant—one of the largest non-unionized auto plants in the U.S.—meeting the minimum threshold of support the National Labor Relations Board requires to hold a union election.

Key Facts

Over 1,500 workers at the Tuscaloosa plant, the German auto manufacturer’s primary facility in the U.S., have signed union cards, a UAW representative confirmed to Forbes.

The UAW said it would not immediately file for an election with the NLRB—instead the union said it would wait until it had 70% support, as well as support from “workers from every shift, every job classification, and every group of workers in the plant.”

The Tuscaloosa plant has over 4,400 eligible union employees, the UAW told Forbes, meaning the union will need over 3,000 signatures before it goes to election (Mercedes reports the plant has 6,300 employees, but the UAW told Forbes this total includes management and ineligible temporary employees).

Mercedes-Benz did not immediately return a request for comment from Forbes.

Key Background

In November, the UAW secured a historic victory after leading targeted strikes over six weeks against the “Big Three” U.S. auto manufacturers: Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, which owns Chrysler and Jeep. The successful strikes secured a 25% wage increase and an end to the tiered wage system implemented after the auto industry crash in 2007. Days after the strike ended, UAW President Shawn Fain announced the union would capitalize on the momentum and begin a push to unionize the non-union automakers, including foreign companies like Honda, Toyota and Hyundai, as well as newer American companies like Tesla. Just four weeks after the announcement, a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee became the first non-union plant to go public with its union campaign after over 1,000 employees signed union cards.


Despite the progress made in Chattanooga and Tuscaloosa, the UAW also accused management at some of the non-union plants of illegal union-busting just weeks after the new campaign began. The alleged illegal tactics included confiscating and destroying union literature, as well as surveilling workers. The UAW filed charges against the automakers with the NLRB on Dec. 11. The board will investigate its claims before making a ruling in about seven to 14 weeks. Workers at the Volkswagen facility in Chattanooga filed additional charges seven days later, accusing the company of “illegally intimidating, interfering with and spying” on the unionization campaign.

Further Reading

MORE FROM FORBESFord Workers Ratify UAW Deal-Final Agreement For Big 3 Automakers After StrikeMORE FROM FORBESUAW Unveils New Organization Drive Aimed At Non-Union AutomakersMORE FROM FORBESAuto Workers Allege Union-Busting At Honda, Hyundai, And Volkswagen
