Ukrainian soldier miraculously alive for Christmas after top surgeon removes Russian bullet from his HEART during a jaw-dropping surgery caught on filmthedigitalchaps


  • Surgeon Borys Todurov extracted 7.62 mm caliber bullet in Kyiv’s Heart Institute

A Ukraine soldier is alive at Christmas after miraculously surviving a Russian bullet which lodged in his heart.

Leading Ukrainian cardiac surgeon Borys Todurov showed in a graphic video how he extracted the 7.62 mm caliber bullet in his Kyiv operating theatre.

‘Unbelievable luck – almost no-one survives such heart wounds,’ he said.

Famous surgeon Todurov was assisted by a full medical team as he used tweezers to pull out the bullet from the beating heart.

Five days after the surgery, the patient – who has not been identified – was walking in his ward, he said.

Leading Ukrainian cardiac surgeon Borys Todurov helped a Ukrainian soldier survive after leading a team removing a bullet from his heart

Todurov was assisted by a full medical team at Kyiv's Heart Institute

Todurov was assisted by a full medical team at Kyiv’s Heart Institute

The experienced surgeon used tweezers to pull out the bullet

The experienced surgeon used tweezers to pull out the bullet 

PIctured: Tweezers were used to extract the 7.62 mm caliber bullet 

As he operated at Kyiv’s Heart Institute, the surgeon said the bullet ‘sticks right out from the ventricle…

‘Yes, right in the wall of the ventricle.’

It was an automatic rifle 7.62 mm bullet – ‘maybe [from] a machine gun – big enough.

‘It was stuck in the wall of the ventricle. We pulled it out without blood loss. Not everyone is so lucky.

‘So – such a bullet entered the heart and did not cause sudden death.’

Earlier in the war Todurov, 58, a medical professor and director of The Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, slammed Vladimir Putin for forcing doctors to perform emergency heart surgery on children by torchlight.

He sarcastically told Russians to ‘rejoice’ at the mayhem they are causing by bombing Kyiv’s electricity supplies.

He has carried out multiple operations on soldiers during the war.

Kyiv-born Todurov carried out his first heart surgery at the age of 22.

In 2001, he performed the first human heart transplant in Ukraine.

In 2016 he performed the first mechanical heart implantation operation in Ukraine.

Kyiv-born Todurov carried out his first heart surgery at the age of 22 and performed the first human heart transplant in Ukraine

Kyiv-born Todurov carried out his first heart surgery at the age of 22 and performed the first human heart transplant in Ukraine

It comes amid dwindling morale among Zelensky's troops as the war enters its second harsh winter. Pictured: A tank crew in Christmas outfit perform a combat mission

It comes amid dwindling morale among Zelensky’s troops as the war enters its second harsh winter. Pictured: A tank crew in Christmas outfit perform a combat mission

Another video released in April showed footage of a similar operation involving the removal of a bullet from the heart of a Ukrainian soldier.

Doctors at Feofaniya hospital in Kyiv made incisions before removing the metal bullet.

It comes amid dwindling morale among Zelensky’s troops, as snow and ice cover the ground as the war continues through its second winter.

Meanwhile ratbite fever is spreading around Putin’s frontline, with troops reporting symptoms of vomiting and bleeding eyes on the north eastern Kupyansk front near the border with Russia.
