What is home? Glimpses of refuge from 19 Monitor writers.thedigitalchaps


HOME IS A ROOM I’ve prepared in my heart to store my most prized memories. There, I recall the beautiful orange chiffon-and-velvet dress Mrs. Porter, a family friend, gave me when I was 5 years old. It holds the joyous feeling I experienced when I held my sons for the first time.

It preserves the moment when my mother, who didn’t have the educational opportunities I had, said my college graduation was an “auspicious” occasion and I had to look up the word. Home is where I’m humbled and celebrated. 

What I like about my tiny home is its mobility. It also has a unique ability to expand as needed to store new joys, take in new friendships, and offer peace and calm on days that are a series of unexpected events. 

Why We Wrote This

What does home mean to you? The response to our call for vignettes about home was robust. This resulting collection is a tribute to love, comfort, and belonging. We hope these stories kindle the warmth of home in your heart.

I go home as often as I can because it brings me back to my true north.

– Maisie Sparks is the author of “Holy Shakespeare!” and other works.


“HOME” IS NOT a word I would have applied to the aged house, with its peeling layers of blue paint and with multiple signs of the war that ravaged the front-line hamlet of Prudyanka, north of Kharkiv, Ukraine.

This is where Ukrainian forces drew the line on the Russian advance in May 2022, halting it for half a year at a high cost of destruction to houses and lives. Without running water or electricity, and with many houses damaged beyond immediate repair, most residents had fled the ruins.
