Empowering Wealth Managers To Embrace Alternative Investments


Eric is the Founder and CEO of Alto Solutions, which provides investment access to alternative assets for all.

Wealth managers know the importance of diversification and long-term focus for investing. But if you’re only recommending public equity and bond investments, you could be falling short of these goals for your clients.

2022 was one of the worst years for a U.S. 60/40 portfolio. Portfolios that expanded to include alternative assets such as private credit, private equity and venture capital fared far better during the sell-off.

As demand for alternative assets grows, wealth managers require additional tools and education to better assess and understand the challenges and opportunities of these investments. By educating their clients about alternatives, wealth managers can bridge the gap to these previously restricted markets.

The New Investment Landscape

Private markets have outperformed equities over the past 20 years by offering extra portfolio diversification with the potential for higher yields. For example, in the 20-year period ending in 2022, private equity investments averaged annual returns of 14.75% versus 9.25% for the S&P 500.

Private markets were less volatile during this stretch and outperformed public markets during severe downturns, such as the 2022 market sell-off, the Covid-19 crash and the financial crisis.

One reason behind the success of private funds, such as private equity and venture capital, is that they must commit to a longer-term horizon for their investments. Traditional investments tend to have shorter investment theses. In exchange, private funds are expected to deliver premium returns. Both approaches serve a purpose, which is why in my opinion both are necessary for true portfolio diversification.

Another trend is that some of the most successful companies stay private longer or choose never to go public. There are roughly half as many publicly traded companies today as in the mid-1990s. If you only invest in public equities, your clients miss out on some good opportunities.

Investors have noticed. There is around $22.6 trillion of capital in private markets, and this amount is expected to grow. High net worth individuals, especially those with new capital from the ongoing intergenerational wealth transfer, lead this influx of investment. These investors need guidance for navigating a new market.

Managing Alternative Asset Challenges

Alternative investments pose additional liquidity challenges as compared to public equity and bond investments. Private investments typically require long-term commitments with little or no short-term access to funds. Historically, high minimum commitments precluded participation from many investors, while high fees, especially when compared to public markets, scared others.

Many wealth managers were reluctant to promote alternative assets in the past due to these challenges, but the landscape has changed dramatically over the past decade. New technology platforms can assist with the research, monitoring and reporting involved with managing alternative assets, simplifying their integration into portfolios. Additionally, these platforms have brought down management fees to more competitive levels.

New investment funds also open alternative assets to more than the ultra-wealthy. These funds operate like mutual funds focused on alternative assets and have much lower investment minimums than stand-alone venture capital and private equity funds.

The system isn’t perfect. Accredited investor requirements still unnecessarily block non-affluent investors from buying directly into certain alternative assets. In addition, investors need more advice and support managing these more complex investment opportunities. For example, wealth managers must align the liquidity restrictions of alternative assets with the goals and expectations of clients.

Investing In Alternatives Safely And Responsibly

Education and diligence are key to sound financial decision making. The industry realizes this. There is a new partnership between the CAIA Association, the trade group for alternative investments, and FPA, a leading membership organization for CFP professionals. Together, the two groups are providing financial professionals with more educational materials on the alternative investment universe.

When it comes to alternative assets, investors should understand the risks and inherent illiquidity that come with alternative investments. All investments are susceptible to macro-level market volatility and valuation uncertainties, and that includes alternative investments that are not freely traded on the public markets.

Before making an alternative investment, a proper level of company and industry due diligence and risk assessment should be performed. Financial advisors can play a pivotal role in this assessment process. Advisors can be instrumental in guiding their clients through the intricate landscape of alternative assets. They can help clients gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential rewards and pitfalls that these investments offer. Equally important, advisors should ensure that their clients are fully cognizant of the potential risks associated with the alternative investments they are contemplating.

Advisors should also point out the different fees that are typically incurred if investing directly with alternative asset managers, such as performance and management fees. Alternative assets may not be appropriate for all clients, and advisors’ assessment of each client’s financial situation, risk tolerance and investment objectives will guide investment suitability consistent with each client’s financial goals.

Financial advisors can also work with alternative investment experts to understand this market better and share this guidance with their clients. Clients trust advisors to be their pillar of support in this environment.

The Future Of Wealth Management

Innovation and adaptability are crucial in wealth management, especially today as the landscape rapidly evolves. Investors have seen the power of alternative investments and likely will increasingly demand them. It’s up to their advisors to make sure they do so safely and responsibly.

By embracing this shift to alternative assets, the financial sector can create another phase of growth, resilience and empowerment for investors who historically have been blocked out of these high-performing markets.

The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation.

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