‘I had to save up for my Triumph – we didn’t have car finance back then’


Retired office manager Pip Smith, 72, bought her first car with her then boyfriend – Jeff Gilbert

Buying and owning your first car is everything for most young people – a first taste of the true, unadulterated freedom that comes with being a grown-up.

Yet for young people these days, that taste of freedom is becoming harder to achieve. The cost of driving lessons is rising fast, and since the pandemic, waiting lists for tests have grown enormously.

And that’s before you factor in the crippling cost of insurance for new drivers, resident parking permits – and the car itself.

But is it really harder for Generation Z – roughly those born since 2000 – to take to the open road, or are we simply forgetting (or ignoring) the fact that buying a car as a young person has always been hard?

Pip Smith, 72, is a retired office manager from Southampton. Her first car was a Triumph Herald.

“I saved up for it with my boyfriend,” she remembers. “There wasn’t the option of finance back then. We chose the Herald because parts were cheap, and they were very easy to work on if somebody had even a little bit of knowledge.”

triumph herald

Pip chose a Triumph Herald because parts were cheap – Matthew Richardson/alamy Stock Photo

By contrast, Owen Rees, 18, a student and part-time retail assistant who lives near Maidstone in Kent, was gifted his seven-year-old Ford Fiesta by his parents. Owen is well aware that it wouldn’t be an option available to him otherwise.

“If I were to buy my own car, I think I’d only have been able to save up around £1,000,” he says.

And he isn’t the only one. “Some of my friends are more fortunate than others,” he says. “But most of them have quite nice cars, which are obviously paid for by their parents.”

Even with this help, Owen finds the cost of running his car almost prohibitive. “I pay for the MOT, service, insurance and fuel,” he says. “I’d probably say that makes up about 60pc of my monthly income.”

Pip recollects that running costs were a factor for her, but doesn’t think they were as much of a concern as nowadays. “Although I don’t really remember prices on insurance, I don’t remember thinking it was an absolute nightmare,” she says.

“And because the Herald was so simple, if we did have problems, we were fairly confident that my boyfriend or his friends between them could sort it out – so we didn’t really take it to a garage.”

owen rees

Even with help from his parents, Owen Rees, 18, uses up 60pc of his pay on running his car – Paul Grover

What’s more, while Pip had to save up for her car, she points out that she was able to stay mobile in any case by driving her mother’s car around.

“Mum had a little old Ford Popular, but she didn’t use it that much. She worked very close to where we lived, and she would walk to work, so her car was much more available.”

And when the car was in use, there was public transport to fall back on. “When I started working, before I had a car, I would get the bus, and then walk from the bus stop, which was a long way,” Pip says.

“But I have to say the buses were much more frequent than they are now; I remember it was the choice of whether you got the short route or the long route. Now you’re lucky if you get a bus at all.”

This lack of alternatives is a recurring theme among young people.

For starters, in many households nowadays, both parents work, and usually drive a distance from home, which means their cars are less likely to be available.

Meanwhile, the dearth of public transport in many areas of Britain means not owning a car has a greater impact – especially on your prospects.

“There’s no bus anymore in my village,” says Owen. “My mum used to drop me off at college. And without her, I wouldn’t have been able to get there at all. Now I’ve got a car, I have to give people lifts to college pretty much every day.”

Younger generations do seem to have access to better-quality cars these days, whatever their budget. Pip remembers her Triumph fondly, but as “a bit of a banger”, despite the fact it was no more than 10 years old. Owen reckons the older cars at his college are more like double that.

This is a double-edged sword, though, because the complexity of modern cars means repairing them at home is much harder – so when they do go wrong, fixing them costs more.

Today’s young people are more likely to benefit from financial assistance, and even without, they have access to better-quality, safer cars that should last them longer.

That doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve got it easier, however. Even for those that do enjoy a helping hand from their parents, running costs make up a higher proportion of income than ever before.

Those that don’t, meanwhile, suffer from a vicious cycle: they’re restricted in their access to jobs and higher education unless they can save – and of course, it’s harder to save when you can’t get to the jobs.

It is perhaps overly simplistic to say that it was harder for one generation than the other. What’s certain is that there is a greater gap between the haves and the have-nots among young people today.

With a helping hand from mum and dad, you stand half a chance; without it, getting that first taste of freedom is tougher than ever.

How old were you when you got your first car? What make and model was it? How much did it cost? Let us know in the comments below


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